
Friday 26 May 2017

First TTT collection for June 2017 announced!

Hi all! I've finally sat all 6 of my written exams and just have my last one which is a practical next week! The weather has also been beautiful so revising outside has helped!

Anyway following yesterday's release of the Star Wars 40th Anniversary Set, the next TTT collection was announced!
Here it is...

I'm not sure why they've chosen to do Tangled again but I guess it was to include characters not previously released! Looks sweet anyway!
That's it for now and happy collecting! Remember to check out my release list and gallery for hopefully one of the most comprehensive guides to UK releases!

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Next collection announced, but for May!

Hi all, a day late-ish I know but this collection hadn't been announced when I looked yesterday morning and I've had an exam today.

Surprisingly the next collection is set for next week and is a micro Tsum Star Wars set; now as I'm not a fan I wouldn't have known it was Star Wars' anniversary any time soon but there you go!

Here's the picture!

I'll be sure to be checking Disney Store's site next week to check for June's release and keep you updated!

That's all for now; happy collecting! :D

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Second May 2017 collection announced!

Hi all! I hope you all enjoyed your long May bank holiday weekend! Mine was full of revision, I'm coming up to the end of my uni year now and summer exams are about 2 weeks away now!
Here is the TTT collections for later this month! Finally a Sleeping Beauty set!

See you all again on 16th May! By this time I'll have started exams so apologies if I don't post!