
Tsum Tsum Tag Variations.

This page aims to show you some of the Tsum Tsum tags which have regional variations. The ones shown are the ones I have in my possession so there may be more. It is to my understanding that Japan Tsums have an old and new tag (I believe they changed them to combat the fakes). If anyone could help with this, that would be great! I currently don't own any tsums larger than the minis. To my knowledge the bag sets and bigger tsums have different tags

The variations I am about to show you:

  • Standard UK Disney Store mini tsum tag. (I think the US tags are the same.)
  • A smaller UK Disney Store Tag.
  • A Disney Parks tag (US).
  • A Clintons (Posh Paws) Tag.
  • A (new) Japanese tag.
  • An unusual Disney Land Paris tsum tag.
  • A US Target tag. (courtesy of Morgan Boos from the Facebook group 'Disney Tsum Tsum')
  • A Belgian manufacturer's tag. I saw these on tsums being sold in 'Toy Planet', Derby. 

Standard Disney Store UK tag.

 Smaller UK Disney Store Tag (these were found on the Alice in Wonderland Set)

Dormouse is pictured.

 You can also see the small 'tsum tsum' tag written in red font. This isn't usually found on standard Disney Store Tsums but the Alice in Wonderland Tsums had them for some reason.

A U.S. Disney Parks Tag (the only difference is the pricing sticker and also the material tag)

 The cardboard tag is identical to the standard UK and US Disney Store tags in this case. This is Suzy from the Cinderella set. The material tag has the Disney Parks Authenticity stamp on as oppose to the Disney Store stamp of authenticity... Watch out! Some fakes have the Disney Parks stamp on now, in my upcoming guide to fakes I will tell you how to spot the counterfeits! I was caught out by this!
A Clintons/Posh Paws Tag

 A more thorough description of the tags can be found in my comparison guide of a DS/ Clinton's tsum.

A typical Japanese Tsum tag- these have changed recently I believe but here is a current one.

 Underneath the paper tag is the small 'tsum tsum' tag written in a reddish font. I believe this is found on all Japanese Tsums and there are no other material tags besides this one.

If you have bought a tsum on eBay claiming to be from Disney Store Japan, check its tag. Use the camera function on Google translate app if you have a smartphone- and if the name of the tsum does not correspond then it's fake! Also check the material tags in line with the cardboard tag. They should be consistent. More to follow in my upcoming guide to spotting fakes.

An unusual Disney Land Paris Tag

I bought a Disney Land Paris Pinocchio from eBay recently. I was quite surprised he came with such a large tag which would be more fit for a medium or large tsum but there you have it! Just another variation that I can show you.

I'm not sure how many DL Paris tsums are like this, I'll do some digging and find out.

A US target tag

A Belgian Manufacturer's Tag (Simba?)

 Front and back of cardboard tag were identical to Clinton's (Posh Paws) tags.

So there you have it, lots of varying tags which can confuse people when making sure they're not fake. I hope this guide has helped! 

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